The Meister Advocacy Fund:

Get Help

We envision that every child with Down syndrome will have the

educational support they need to thrive.

No matter how great the IEP is…

  • if it is not working for the child, or

  • if it is not being implemented …. it is not helpful.

Are you eligible for support?
As funds are available, we can help families who:

  • have a child with Down syndrome who is currently enrolled in a school in Maryland

  • are DSAmd “members.” Membership is free to anyone in Maryland who has a loved one with Down syndrome. Complete this form:

  • have selected / will select an advocate or behaviorist working within a licensed business and who have business insurance

  • affirm that they have a financial need - no paperwork will be collected, but we trust and believe that only those who need the help will apply once reading the vision of the Fund

  • are willing to do a follow-up survey with anonymous testimonial about your experience and the helpfulness of the Meister Advocacy Fund

How can money be used?

  • Once every calendar year per family, while funds last

  • The Fund is designed to cover the cost of one, in-school observation of the child with written report to aid the family, advocate, or lawyer in advocating for the child with Down syndrome more effectively.

  • The Fund will cover up to $1,000 maximum; check payments will be made directly to the advocate/behaviorist who is working within a licensed business and who has business insurance

  • The family finds and selects its own advocacy company

What’s the Selection Process?

  • 30% of funds are reserved to be used in Baltimore City if needed

  • 30% of funds are reserved to be used in the Lower Eastern Shore counties:  Caroline, Dorchester, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico, and Worcester if needed

  • An independent panel of DSAmd board, staff, and committee members will make decisions as funds remain

  • Those not selected in the first year are welcome to apply again if funds remain