Forward With Thanks
Hello, Friends!
For many years, the Down Syndrome Association of Maryland has stood as a beacon of support, weaving a community for families and professionals connected to individuals who have Down syndrome, and now for those with Down syndrome, too.
While we are not perfect, DSAmd embraces authenticity. Our commitment to transparency, constructive feedback, and a spirit of experimentation is what fuels our hard work. Should you have questions or inspiration about our journey, please reach out—we love brainstorming!
We take pride in the strides we’ve made at DSAmd since I began working here 4.5 years ago:
More and diverse families are forging bonds with one another,
Children are surrounded by a supportive network cheering them on, and
Adults with Down syndrome are leading purposeful lives, nurturing friendships formed within the CDSPG circle over 25 years ago, with DSAmd working to bring them together again through things like boxing class, improv, cookouts, and more.
As we journey toward 2025, we carry with us hearts full of gratitude, a mindset of abundance, and unwavering dedication to the essence of community. Together, we will move forward with thanks. Thank you, thank you for all YOU have contributed to bringing our mission to life.With heartfelt gratitude,
Amanda / 410-321-5434 (call or text)